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275 Fans


5 Stars - 20 Votes


Salman Al Qudah St. Near Taj Mall Opposite to Housing Bank Park - Abdoun



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week
8:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

Tips Tags

Where can I go out for breakfast during Ramadan?

@Crumz is open with normal working hours and even serves alcohol

Where can I eat breakfast outdoors/terrace?

@Crumz they have an outdoor seating and they serve omelette, pancake & waffle

Where can I find Christmas crackers?

@Crumz sells everything Christmas-related in terms of food. They have delicious gingerbread cookies that you gotta try! Also check out @Hala's Treats they may not exactly be Christmas biscuits but close enough, and taste amazing.

Where can I buy fresh donuts?

you can find it at any donut shop every morning @Donuts Factory , or you can try out @Crumz they have delicious donuts

Where can I find crumbz Abdoun?

@Crumz you will find their location and phone number
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