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275 Fans


5 Stars - 20 Votes


Salman Al Qudah St. Near Taj Mall Opposite to Housing Bank Park - Abdoun



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week
8:00 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.

Tips Tags

Where can I get the best donuts (unlike planet donut)?

@Crumz they have amazing donuts @Rabieh Bakeries

Where can I find potato bun for burgers (Crumz does not make them)?

@Centro Stores Can customize your order for you :)

Where can I eat an omelette?

Almost all breakfast places have omelettes, you can go to @The American Bake House or @Waffle House to get american style omelettes. @Crumz is also a great option you can never go wrong with.

Where can I find a bakery that offers different kinds of burger buns?

@Crumz has three different types. One with sesame a seed bun, one white plain bun and finally a brown bread bun.

Where can I find the best gluten free bakery?

As a start @Al Sufara Bakery sells gluten free products. You have also @Crumz & @Boutique Bakery.

Where can I find American style baked cornbread?

@Crumz they have Cornbread muffins that are just delish

Where can I have breakfast on a Friday where its not too crowded?

@Crumz the one in Dabouq is never too crowded or @VIVID Lounge
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