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275 Fans


5 Stars - 20 Votes


Off Al Hijaz St. Next to Gifts Center - Dabouq



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week
8:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m.

Tips Tags

Where can I find the best bagels?

i would recommend you @Crumz you can buy the plain bagels: sesame, poppy seeds, grain, whole wheat. 5 pieces for 3.20 JD. And you can also order them with fillings. My best filling would be: Smoked Salmon & Cream Cheese Bagel for JOD7.50. This is really tasty if you like salmon

Where can I eat a really delicious croissant?

have you tried @Crumz , it tastes really good!

Where can I eat the best pancakes?

@Crumz they have the most delicious chocolate chips pancakes for 4 JD

Where can I find places open during Ramadan?

There's a list of over 60 places on the Tip n' Tag Blog. You'll find restaurants, bars, and cafe's there including but not limited to @Buffalo Wings & Rings @13c Bar in the Back @Blue Fig @Anada Restaurant & Bar @Em Sherif Café @Brix @Little Italy Pizzeria @Mad Mango @The Salad Shop at the Conroy @Willow Restaurant & Bar @Crumz and the list goes on and on and on!

Where can I eat eggs benedict?

@Crumz its around 5 JD 's and it's quite delicious

Where can I buy Eid ma'amoul?

@Crumz 3 fillings: Dates, walnuts and pistachios

Where can I buy ready made Turkey?

@Crumz juicy trimmings, gravy sauce, cranberry sauce& mashed potato or glazed sweet potato
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