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46 Fans
Kalamazoo Restaurant & Grill

Kalamazoo Restaurant & Grill

3 Stars - 4 Votes


Khair Al Din Al Ma'ani St. - Dabouq



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week
12:00 p.m. to 11:00 p.m.

Mentioned In...

Where can I get a really juicy ribeye steak?

@Kalamazoo Restaurant & Grill The steaks are quite good, the food is well presented, and the portions are quite filling. The staff are friendly, and the service is very good.

Where can I find the best club sandwich?

The one at @Kalamazoo Restaurant & Grill is not your typical club sandwich but if you're into mayonnaise you'll like it. It aint bad but the fries that came with didn't impress me much.

Where can I find an elegant restaurant with great food service (Non-alcoholic)?

For me, I like @Kababji the food there is great, it's quite calm. You can also check @Kalamazoo Restaurant & Grill @Rajeen all of them have good service and great food and alcohol free.

Where can I get crab salad?

@Kalamazoo Restaurant & Grill they have a sea food salad worth to try and it has aloot of crabs :)
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