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Where can I find a good French Toast
inAmman, Jordan
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Ahmad ha_
@Crumz Bakery Cafe they are the best
Dania Al Masri
@Paul their French toast is delicious
@Pancake & Waffle House they serve it fresh and it costs 4…
@Blue Fig has cinnamon French toast that's to die for!
Amal Idrees
@The American Bake House
Ramiz Nuqul
@The American Bake House
Ghada Qa'qa'
@The American Bake House
@Pancake & Waffle House
@Pancake & Waffle House I think it's one if the few places that serves French toast in amman unfortunately
Sara Jarrar
@Pancake & Waffle House I think it's one if the few places…
@Crumz Bakery Cafe
Sarah Hammouri
@Pancake & Waffle House
@Pancake & Waffle House
Hiba Hussein Kasht
@The American Bake House
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