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4.5 Stars - 6 Votes


Al Salam St. Al Salam Complex - Naour



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week; Except Friday
12:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Mentioned In...

Where can I go hiking?

@TREKS they arrange hiking trips inside and outside Jordan

Where can I go to find outdoor sports?

@TREKS they have nice outdoor trips check there website https://adventure.treks.jo/

Where can I buy cute lunch boxes for my children?

@TREKS you can check there website https://gear.treks.jo/category/coolers-lunch-boxes

Where can I meet new people?

Well, I would suggest to go on a hike. on 1 hand; you'll get to meet new people and foreigners and on the other; you'll enjoy the hiking @TREKS they have a hiking trip this weekend. 10th of June - 35 JD

Where can I meet new people?

My opinion would be to go on a hiking trips where you can meet lots of people as well as having fun. @TREKS has lots of activities going on this summer. They have wadi bin hammad hiking trip for 35 JD

Where can I find rain cover for backpack?

you can find it @TREKS 12 JOD . Lightweight . Compact . Secure fastenings Supplied with stuff sac
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