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Al Salam St. Al Salam Complex - Naour



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12:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

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Where can I meet new people as a 20 years old?

I'm in my twenties and I meet new people all the time on hikes! Try going on one with @TREKS, maybe the next person you'll meet will be me!

Where can I find places to go on valentine's day?

I think it would be nice to go on a hiking date, but that's only if you've been with your date for a while already. You can see if @TREKS hikes interest you, there's one on the 11th that's really magical! It was mentioned in this weeks Daydreamer http://blog.tipntag.com/the-daydreamer-%e2%9d%84%ef%b8%8f-february-2022-week-2/

Where can I find rain pants?

Im pretty sure you will be able to find them @TREKS , if not you could always try looking for them @Go Sport

Where can I find a sleeping bag?

Good stuff, light, long-lasting, but pricey @TREKS

Where can I find good quality water bottles?

@TREKS will definitely have high quality water bottles!

Where can I buy a tent?

@TREKS you'll find everything you need for camping and hiking trips.

Where can I do something new and exciting in 2019?

Go climbing or hiking, maybe when the weather warms up a little though. @Backpackers @TREKS @Tropical Desert are great places to start.

Where can I go hiking with a fun activity?

@TREKS have expeditions every now and then to different countries. They handle organizing the trip from A to Z.
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