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Where can I go hiking
inAmman, Jordan
?Recent Tips...
There are 34 older Tips related to this question that you may find helpful. Click here to reveal them.
@Pro Hikers offers some good deals! Check out their website for a list of great hiking tours. Its reasonably priced too!
@Pro Hikers offers some good deals! Check out their website for…
zarga ma3ean(in wadi hmara) went their with some friends its great for hiking
zarga ma3ean(in wadi hmara) went their with some friends its great…
Jamila Hyasat
you can check @Nader Bikes they organize pretty fun activities
Terhaal Adventures give amazing, professional and well organized hiking trips
Sarah Bystrzycki
Terhaal Adventures give amazing, professional and well organized…
Sarah Rif
@TREKS they arrange hiking trips inside and outside Jordan
Aseel Soub
@Pro Hikers @Jo Hike
Rawan Lozi
Wadi mujib is a great one, with medium intensity trails.
Ayah Saleh
well you can engage with this group @Take a Hike
Haya masadeh
Petra ajloun wadi rum Hamamat maen and so on
@Ranger Adventure Center is a good one
Heba Faddah
@Discovery Terhaal - Jordan and Petra Tours
Sanad A. Al Hawamdeh
@Stronger Team
You can go for hikes in Dana. The reserve there has several trails. I went with my boyfriend, and we got to see a lot of the wildlife :)
Lara D.
You can go for hikes in Dana. The reserve there has several trails…
Adam Matar
check out this blog: "http://blog.tipntag.com/weekender-10…
You have to go to Ajloun, the weather is beautiful at this time of the year, Ajloun castle hike is one of the best hikes I've taken and you can spend the night in a beautiful cabin with the most amazing view of the forest
You have to go to Ajloun, the weather is beautiful at this time of…
There is a hiking team that you can schedule a group hike with in different locations around jo.
There is a hiking team that you can schedule a group hike with in…
@Wadi Mujib is a high-up valley with streams of the Jordan River pouring down into the Dead Sea. The journey starts by walking through the narrow gorge of the valley, with big and small waterfalls flowing down from both sides of the mountain rocks. This experience can’t be put into words no matter how hard you try.
Ayah Saleh
@Wadi Mujib is a high-up valley with streams of the Jordan River…
Yara Lahawani
you should check out this page....https://jordantrail.org/
hey nico9, there's a whole article about engaging hikes around jordan: blog.tipntag.com/weekender
hey nico9, there's a whole article about engaging hikes around…
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