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54 Fans
Gold's Gym

Gold's Gym

4 Stars


Al Aayan St. Behind City Mall - Khalda



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week
6:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m.

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Where can I find gyms for women that have a nice pool around khalda?

@Gold's Gym for sure, it's behind City mall and they have a huge indoor and outdoor pool

Where can I know how much is golds gym membership price?

@Gold's Gym when i registered, it was 3 months for 175 JD. But they have offers if you want for 1 year

Where can I find a good gym?

@Gold's Gym they have offers right now for Eid

Where can I find a good gym around town?

Depends on what exactly you are looking for, but one of the best gyms in town is @Gold's Gym or @Fitness One Vega. I used to go to @Meedan MMA- Strength & Conditioning I liked it the most!

Where can I find gyms that is clean and committed to safety standards regarding Covid19?

I think most gyms around town right now are being cautious with their hygiene, but I would recommend @Gold's Gym or @Stella Fitness Jo

Where can I find a ladies only gym with a trainer, good prices and good facilities near khalda/dabouq?

I go to this amazing gym 5 min. away from city mall @Gold's Gym they have the best trainers
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