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57 Fans
Sara Al-Saudi Spa & Gym

Sara Al-Saudi Spa & Gym

3.25 Stars


Behind Elba House, King Abdullah Ben Al Hussein St.- Sweileh



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week
7:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.

Mentioned In...

Where can I get laser hair removal treatments?

@Sara Al-Saudi Spa & Gym in dabouq, they're good and almost always have 50% off offer! If not u can get a card for 25JDs and have that offer on multiple services for a year. The is also @Beauty Clinic For Dermatology & Laser MELO

Where can I find ladies only swimming pool?

@Sara Al-Saudi Spa & Gym or @Orthodox Club they have specific days that are for ladies only

Where can I find the best place for tattoo removal?

I would recommend you @Sara Al-Saudi Spa & Gym my friend went there for his tattoo removal

Where can I find Valentine's Day offers other than food?

@Sara Al-Saudi Spa & Gym has offers on manicure, pedicure, massages, and more. Check out their FB to see the offers

Where can I find best laser clinic for hair removal?

Throughout my experience, I recommend @Sara Al-Saudi Spa & Gym and @Allure Beauty Center and @Jordanian Center for Chinese Medicine I have tried them all and they are amazing! But take advantage of Eid offers, they are doing offers until Eid

Where can I have laser hair removal done by a female for my bikini area?

all private area laser centers are done by females, unless you’re a guy, that’s ofcourse not allowed. But if you’re a female, then go for @Sara Al-Saudi Spa & Gym

Where can I get a mole removed and how much would it cost on average?

@Sara Al-Saudi Spa & Gym they are specialized for such treatment. The doctor needs to check the mole and then decide whether it needs one or more sessions. So I recommend that you visit the doctor to let her decide
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