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54 Fans
Gold's Gym

Gold's Gym

4 Stars


Al Aayan St. Behind City Mall - Khalda



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week
6:00 a.m. to 12:00 a.m.

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Where can I find an indoor swimming pool for women, preferably near the Abu Nseir/ Shafa Badran area, that stays open late (till 10 PM)?

i know that @Gold's Gym near City Mall has a day scheduled for women only and they open till late. That's the closest I can think of.

Where can I find a ladies gym that isn’t too expensive and have professional instructors?

@Gold's Gym in Khalda is only for females and their instructors are highly professional

Where can I buy gfuel?

you can find the G fuel energy powder @Gold's Gym

Where can I find a good new cozy gym?

@Gold's Gym is such a good choice for many reasons that will attract you to the gym.

Where can I find the best pool?

@Gold's Gym the outdoor pool is for ladies on saturdays

Where can I find a good gym for a good price in Khalda?

@Gold's Gym or exergame youthclub (there is private training for adults)

Where can I find an affordable gym near khalda/dabouq that's preferably not mixed?

@Gold's Gym Their memberships are expensive but I feel no one subscribes unless they do a crazy offer so basically just wait on offers.
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