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17 Fans
Deewan Institute for Languages and Cultural Studies

Deewan Institute for Languages and Cultural Studies

3 Stars


Al Ba'ouniyah St. Bldg 44, Lower Level - Weibdeh



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week; Except Friday
10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.

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Where can I learn real Palestinian embroidery?

I read in this article https://blog.tipntag.com/the-daydreamer-%e2%98%80%ef%b8%8f-august-2023-week-1/ there is a workshop today in @Deewan Institute for Languages and Cultural Studies

Where can I find German language learning partner?

@Deewan Institute for Languages and Cultural Studies usually holds language exchange events, keep an eye on their socials to know when the next one is!

Where can I find a place to practice spoken American English for free (or at a low cost)?

Check out @Deewan Institute for Languages and Cultural Studies they host English practice nights almost every week. Actually, there is one coming up this week on the 25th of August!

Where can I find a partner to practice english with or learn spanish?

Check out @Deewan Institute for Languages and Cultural Studies' language exchange night on Saturday it should be an event on their facebook page. You might find a language partner there :).

Where can I find a language exchange partner?

Depends on the languages, but @Deewan Institute for Languages and Cultural Studies holds meetups for language exchanges, might find what you're looking for there

Where can I find a workspace/co-working space?

@Deewan Institute for Languages and Cultural Studies they have several workstations, meeting rooms, printing, fast internet, coffee, tea & water. It's a nice, and light space plus it has a lounge area.
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