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17 Fans
Deewan Institute for Languages and Cultural Studies

Deewan Institute for Languages and Cultural Studies

3 Stars


Al Ba'ouniyah St. Bldg 44, Lower Level - Weibdeh



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week; Except Friday
10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.

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Where can I take a weekend/evening ladies-only beginner Arabic course (I'm an expat looking to be mingle with other expats)?

@Deewan Institute for Languages and Cultural Studies they offer one-on-one lessons for students, lessons for pairs of students of any level who want to learn the colloquial Arabic that will equip them for having conversations in everyday practical situations. Fusha (Modern Standard Arabic) Group Course 20 hours • 215 JD + 5 JD Printing Fee This course consists of 20 hours of class spread over 4 weeks, in two classes per week. Open to the following students: 1/2 beginners; 1/2 intermediate; 3-6 advanced students. Ammiyeh (Colloquial) Group Course 20 hours • 190 JD, includes printing fees. This course consists of 20 hours of class spread over 4 weeks, in two classes per week. Open to the following students: 1/2 beginners; 1/2 intermediate; 3-6 advanced students.

Where can I find a language exchange group?

you're going to want to keep an eye out on @Deewan Institute for Languages and Cultural Studies's language exchanges, they hold them once a month
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