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47 Fans
Institut Francais

Institut Francais

4.75 Stars


Paris Square, Next to Cairo Amman Bank - Jabal Al Weibdeh



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week: Except Friday
9:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.

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Tips Tags

Where can I find place to work on my social skills as i have almost no social skills?

I would recommend you join some sort of a club or learn a language. Personally, I have my French group club, we meet weekly in the Shams Theatre, we run adjacent to the German Language Club, so there's that too. If you apply for courses in say the @Institut Francais or @Goethe Institut Jordanien or even @The British Council I'm sure you'll be able to make great friends. i would even go so far to suggest Korean, the @Korean Cultural Center Jordan has some of the most wonderful people in it

Where can I find the best place to learn French?

The best place to learn French in Amman is @Institut Francais ... They also have a library of books, movies and CDs for you to borrow!

Where can I find Quran in French?

I get the feeling you might find a copy at the @Institut Francais

Where can I find murals/backgrounds to take photos?

There is this really colorful lady with purple flowers around her @Institut Francais

Where can I find a French language partner?

Check with the @Institut Francais sometimes the expats teaching there want to improve their Arabic/English.

Where can I learn Arabic calligraphy?

@Institut Francais has an Arabic Calligraphy workshop every Thursday, the course is about 18 hours for 150 JDs

Where can I stay in shape during the winter season?

I've recently picked up contemporary dancing @Institut Francais , and I'm in love with it! I'm not a fan of the gym so this helps me stay flexible and in shape while having tons of fun!

Where can I take a French language course?

@Institut Francais they have the best teachers and their certificate is the best if you get it .. Good luck

Where can I find a group to practise French language?

@Institut Francais they might help you with that, usually there are culture exchange programs you might meet people there and they will help you

Where can I meet French people/activists?

@Institut Francais in Webdeh, they often have programs, you can contact them to see if they have events or meet ups

Where can I learn Arabic at reasonable rates?

The best one to check out is @French Institute they offer a wide range of Arabic classes and usually at night to accommodate working people or students and they have some of the best prices I have seen!

Where can I find a training center to learn French for a beginner?

@French Institute is a great option to start learning French at
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