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Where can I find cool cars to take pictures of them?

@The Royal Automobile Museum check out their Facebook page for adress and working hours there are many cool cars like Ferrari f40 and f50, porsche carerra gt, many classics and some cool motorcycles. highly recommended

Where can I find professional dartboards like Winmau and Unicorn?

not sure if it was one of these brands but I saw one @Jack's Men's Gift Shop , although you can order it through cashbasha.com

Where can I eat Shrimp Salad?

@chaika - sea food

Where can I buy Newton's Cradle?

@Jack's Men's Gift Shop or check out @Mecca Mall 3rd floor there is a gift shop but u can't remember its name

Where can I get myself 4G internet after 7 p.m.?

@Safeway 7th circle, there is a zain branch that stays open for 24 hous

Where can I buy an electric fireplace?

I remember I saw many of these @Safeway 7th circle branch at second floor near the exit

Where can I buy peanut butter?

natural one are available at @Safeway 7th circle

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