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46 Fans
Jack's Men's Gift Shop

Jack's Men's Gift Shop


Bldg. #64 Ali Sido Kurdi St. - Abdoun



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week: Except Friday
9:30 a.m. to 9:00 p.m.

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Where can I find analog chess clock?

@Jack's Men's Gift Shop It is JD 60 minus 70% discount so JD 18. But they have the digital chess clock

Where can I buy a cool photo of city lights?

I bought beautiful ones when I was in Istanbul but you can probably find them at places that sell home decor pieces such as @Gypsy-Spirit , @Jack's Men's Gift Shop maybe you can find @IKEA if not order them online. Or I would suggest you find a picture you really like online, and print it out and put in a frame that you also like

Where can I buy a unique gift for a newly married couple?

@Jack's Men's Gift Shop has a collection of great things, and don't let the name fool you, they sell things for the house and both genders.

Where can I buy liquor flask?

@Jack's Men's Gift Shop sell a variety of them. They have ones that range from 30 JD - 35 JD, these are pretty much the same quality wise but one comes with a shot class while the other doesn't. They also have sale right now, and one specific type is being sold for 10 JDs.

Where can I buy an alcohol shaker?

Check @Jack's Men's Gift Shop and @Nothing Like It or another option might be @Tati
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