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SaraHammouri's Profile

Home & Garden
Pool Boy
Dining & Nightlife

SaraHammouri's latest tips

Where can I find a new and delicious Yemeni food restaurant?

My favourite is @Bab Al Yemen Restaurant Al Saeed - they have the best Yemeni food in Amman

Where can I get an inexpensive phone tripod from?

@Reach Data Installation Services (Huawei Jordan) sells a travel tripod for JOD 10. You can even order online!

Where can I find a charity to give away my old clothes?

A small foundation called Life Makers. It’s located near the 8th circle, opposite to Zain’s main office.

Where can I find canned boba?

Try a place called @Rashouf Food Stuff - they posted about selling them a month ago or so. 0775333100

Where can I buy a copper kitchen sink?

I think I found a couple of options at a place called Nabeel Zeit & Sons Trading Co. Their shop is located in Umm As-Semmak St.

Where can I renew car license?

Depending on whether your car has to go through the technical check for the license renewal. If it does, you can go to Driver and Vehicle License Department in either Salt or the one in Yajouz/ Shafa Badran. If your car doesn't need a technical check, then you can go the Driver and Vehicle License Department that's in the @Royal Automobile Club.

Where can I find the best dynamite shrimp?

@P.F. Chang's, and I heard good things about @Cube Burger

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