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64 Fans
Shanghai Massage Center

Shanghai Massage Center

4.75 Stars - 6 Votes


Abd Al Rahman Allawi St. Next to Fame Restaurant - 5th Circle



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week; Except Friday
09:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
4:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m.

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Where can I get acupuncture?

@Shanghai Massage Center offers the best acupuncture treatment in Amman, Dr. Yang is definitely the best around and really helped my neck pain disappear with their acupuncture treatment.

Where can I get a professional deep tissue massage?

well I don't know if there exactly a place in 7th circle, but you should definitly try @Shanghai Massage Center which is near the 7th circle, it's located in the 6th circle. Dr. Yang is a professional, you should try this place

Where can I find natural medicine?

@Shanghai Massage Center you can ask for Dr. Yang, he does acupuncture if that is what you're looking for

Where can I find the best doctor for epidural injections for back pain and sciatica?

I heard that Dr. Yang does such a thing at @Shanghai Massage Center 6 592 4028‬. Give them a call and check with them

Where can I get a nice massage for men (No hotels or home visits)?

In Abdoun there is a place called @Shanghai Massage Center Dr. Yang is very good, the place has very good prices and offers couple message too.

Where can I get a good thai massage?

I know about @Shanghai Massage Center which is Chineses. haven't heard of a Thai spa yet. However, If you're looking for Thai massage you gotta check @Gaia's Cocoon good enough to not let you feel a difference apart from Thai spas.
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