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Raya sh's Profile

Dining & Nightlife
Sous Chef
Sports & Outdoors
Rising Star

Raya sh's latest tips

Where can I find a yoga training place?

@The Pink Elephant Space or check out @yogamyjo by Farah Abdulhadi on instagram

Where can I get ice cream biscuits?

you can find them @Cozmo or @Safeway

Where can I buy sports souvenir?

If you're looking for a gift that is sport related, check out @Nothing Like It they have cool funky gifts.

Where can I buy fast 5$ or 10$ debit cards?

@Jordan Kuwait Bank , but not for 5$ or 25$. I don't think you can get them for any less than 25 JD's

Where can I find anime or fandom merchandise?

@16:9 Widescreen you'll find DVD's ,Blu-ray discs and books . Check out their website :http://www.sixteen2nine.com/?pid=1

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