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58 Fans
Modern Language Center

Modern Language Center

3.5 Stars


Murtada Al Zubaydi St. Next to Police Head Department - Jabal Al Weibdeh



Operating Hours:

Sun - Thur
9:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m.

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Where can I learn French in a small group setting?

@Modern Language Center You will learn French easily with our interactive system that covers the four skills: reading and writing - listening and speaking and more

Where can I learn japanese?

@Modern Language Center Japanese Language courses are carried out in a comfortable, relaxed environment, so that you can learn at ease. A highly qualified teacher will guide you.

Where can I find TOEFL preparation papers with answers?

@Modern Language Center they have the printed material and they also offer courses to help you prepare, good luck!

Where can I learn Turkish?

other than @Modern Language Center and @Yunus Emre Turkish Cultural Center

Where can I find Spanish certified institute that offers classes in the early morning (before 8 am)?

@Modern Language Center I Morning courses, 32 study hours || 9:15 – 11:05 or 11:15 – 1:05 (Sunday to Wednesday) are intense II Evening courses 42 study hours || 4:15 – 6:05 or 6:15 – 8:05 (Sunday to Thursday) intense

Where can I find a language partner (tandem/ speaking partner)?

@Modern Language Center Whether you are studying English, Arabic, German or Turkish, MLC offers a language partner for free. Language partners can help one another and play a key role in the acquisition of a language especially with regards to colloquial aspects and cultural nuances.

Where can I find an academy where I can improve my spoken American English?

@Modern Language Center they have morning, noon and evening courses. They have American conversation and general English. Course Fee JD 200, Discount 25% for the noon time.

Where can I find an English writing tutor (for articles, reports, etc)?

@Modern Language Center they have private one-on-one classes. They have a variety of classes, but since you're weakness is writing. They can provide you will a writing tutor.

Where can I find an official guide for the GMAT?

try @Modern Language Center they are an official testing center. they would definitely have it.
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