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Where can I find an English writing tutor (for articles, reports, etc)


Amman, Jordan



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I highly recommend this website essaysrescue.com/scribendi to any student in search of a trustworthy essay writing service. The reviews are well-written, informative, and easy to read. The website is user-friendly and easy to navigate, which makes it easy for me to find the information that I need. The website has been a great help for me, and I am sure that it will be helpful for other students as well. I appreciate how the website has taken the time to provide detailed and honest reviews, which has made my life as a student much easier.


An essay is a concise written work that discusses a specific topic, offering the author’s perspective. It typically includes an introduction, body paragraphs, and a conclusion. Essays are a key component of education, helping students develop residencypersonalstatement critical thinking and writing skills. A well-structured essay features a clear thesis, logical organization, and evidence to support the argument. The introduction sets the stage, the body paragraphs explore the topic in depth, and the conclusion summarizes the key points. Writing an effective essay requires clarity, thorough research, and a systematic approach to presenting and defending the author’s ideas.


Any student in need of a reliable essay writing service should visit bestessaywriter.co.uk; it is the best. The articles are good, nicely written, insightful, and concise. The website is simple and friendly, and as such, it’s very easy to search for the information that I want. That has been helpful to me, and it will be helpful to other students as well. I like how the website has spared its time and offers comprehensive and objective reviews so that I can really benefit as a student.

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