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Ameena 62's Profile

Fashion & Beauty
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Finger Painter

Ameena 62's latest tips

Where can I find a clean ladies outdoor pool for tanning?

@Ward w Hareer i see girls tanning there all the time, outside the pool in a closed area

Where can I sell used evening gowns?

@Le Yasmina in wakalat st she can help you or contact Sura +962 7 9958 4849 from @Naya Beauty & Glamour her prices are way better

Where can I find affordable gift shops?

@Afghani they have lots of variety different prices

Where can I find a wide variety of bathroom accessories?

@Ohana home items section you'll get the best deals

Where can I find a quite place to study in Khalda?

@City Mall in @Second Cup is always a good place to study

Where can I buy a gift online, I'm out of Jordan?

You can order something from @Cash Basha pay using Paypal And deliver it to the right address but it takes about 9 to 14 days

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