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83 Fans
The Body Shop

The Body Shop

5 Stars - 8 Votes


Taj Lifestyle Center - Abdoun



Operating Hours:

7 Days a week
10:00 a.m. - 10:00 p.m.
2:00 p.m. - 10:00 p.m.

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Tips Tags

Where can I get a good prices body care products?

@The Body Shop Located in various malls like City Mall and Taj Mall, The Body Shop offers a range of natural body care products, including skincare, bath, and body care items.

Where can I buy advent calendars but not chocolate?

@NYX has good ones with makeup/ lipsticks or @The Body Shop has ones with body butters/lotions and other products from there check them out

Where can I find shea butter?

You can find them @The Body Shop or @Indola Stores Co.

Where can I find makeup remover?

if you want a really good one that doesn't harm your face with 0 chemicals, you can go for @L'Occitane or @The Body Shop

Where can I find a sleeping pen called Cloudy?

This pen inhaler is not good for your lungs since it contains melatonin which is illegal in Jordan so I don't think you will find it, I suggest you can use oil diffusers with chamomile and lavender which works perfect for me for sleeping. Or you can take melatonin pills but these pills are not legal in Jordan so you won't find them. You can find the diffuser and oil at any body shop @The Body Shop @L'OCCITANE

Where can I find the best secret santa gifts for a female?

@Natural Looks @Bath & Body Works @The Body Shop @Mostwanted Store Media & Accessories @Aldo or honestly a personal favorite would be to receive a plant/flower which can actually be planted in a pot

Where can I find the best product for dry feet?

@The Body Shop , their body buttercream is amazing, especially during Christmas

Where can I buy a variety of candles?

My best shops to buy candles with amazing smell are @Bath & Body Works and Yankee candles from @The Body Shop
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