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75 Fans
Pioneers Academy

Pioneers Academy


Queen Rania St. Pioneers Complex, Across from Arena Hotel - Dahiet Al Rasheed



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week: Except Friday
9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

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Where can I learn coding from scratch?

@Pioneers Academy Enhance your Programming skills with our Programming Courses in Jordan can help you learn anything from the basics to advanced topics

Where can I learn graphic design without prior experience?

@Pioneers Academy Learn art combinations, words, & color to design advertisements

Where can I learn python?

@Pioneers Academy Master the use of Python and its programming techniques through the Programming language using python course

Where can I find a graphic design course?

@Pioneers Academy enhance web pages, and develop print content; and much more

Where can I Find an entry woodwork workshop?

@Pioneers Academy Learn about carpentry & decoration workshop and woodwork tools, hand saws, mouse, joints, fixings and anchors, and painting.

Where can I take social media courses?

@Pioneers Academy they have really qualified instructors, and their certificate is accredited

Where can I learn to code in java?

@Pioneers Academy Java Level 1 course enables the trainee to build Java application in OOP style which is the most advanced style development. In order to ensure you will achieve these targeted objectives, trainees are required to prepare a final project. 35 Hours. 298 JD

Where can I find a place that gives different courses?

@Pioneers Academy has nice courses. But it depends what courses you're looking for :)

Where can I find a place that installs programs such as sketchup and 3d max?

@Pioneers Academy they have training courses, you can check if they can help you to install it
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