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75 Fans
Pioneers Academy

Pioneers Academy


Queen Rania St. Pioneers Complex, Across from Arena Hotel - Dahiet Al Rasheed



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week: Except Friday
9:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m.

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Where can I take statistical data analysis courses ( like eviews, SPSS and stata)?

@jordanian statistical training center @Pioneers Academy @Talal Abu Ghazaleh Organization

Where can I find the best PMP course?

go to @Morgan they have great programs and are currently offering winter discounts on courses.. you can check with @Amideast as well as @Pioneers Academy

Where can I get Sectional VFR Charts for Aviation?

Try @Pioneers Academy or Sama academy. They might not have it themselves but they'll tell you where to go.

Where can I take Photoshop courses?

@Pioneers Academy has photoshop courses and they are widely recommended

Where can I find touch typing + ICDL course?

@Pioneers Academy they give ICDL courses and they are really good

Where can I find a decent place to work that is willing to hire candidates without experience?

Here is what I recommend to get more experience on your CV, maybe you can go to trainings in institutions like @SAE Institute or @Pioneers Academy then you can apply with confidence through @Akhtaboot The Career Network and @Bayt.com and there is a new site called tanqeeb.Com .. Good luck
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