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45 Fans



Mecca Mall, 1st Floor - Um Al Sammaq



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week
10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
2:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.

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Where can I find nice women bags for 20-30jd. Good quality.?

My sister buys her bags @Parfois and when it's sale season, it's so much cheaper

Where can I find trendy accessories?

@Parfois is simply gorgeous, their scarves, bags, shoes and jewelry are really nice

Where can I find an affordable woman’s wallet?

@Parfois they have nice cute collections. It's around 19 JD

Where can I buy ankle bracelets from?

any accessory store like @ZAZA Accessories & Make Up, @Parfois , @Accessorize

Where can I find wallets for an affordable price?

@Parfois I absolutely love their wallets and purses and their prices are very reasonable.

Where can I buy a necklace like the one in this link https://etsy.me/2mEgy2h?

I would really suggest you go to @Parfois or @Accessorize , you can find gold plated necklaces that are similar to what you described since the link wont open. Also check @Stone Fine Jewelry
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