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King Abdullah II Bin Al Hussein St. City Mall - Um Al Summaq



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week
10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
12:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.

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Where can I buy boy earrings close to Abdoun?

Check out @Parfois in Taj MAll .. actually you should go to @Taj Mall go thru the accessories shop coz these tips has them all and see if you find what you need

Where can I buy a Valentine's day gift for my girlfriend for 50 JD?

If she loves girly things you can always get her a cute collection from @The Body Shop @Bath & Body Works or my favourite for such things which is @Natural Looks , such places always have offers for Valentine's day. You can get her accessories/scarf/bag/clutch/shoes from @Parfois @Koton or @H&M and of course you can buy her funky things from @Mlabbas @Gabbeh-9 @Jobedu :)

Where can I buy a hair accessory for a wedding?

I saw a really nice collection in @H&M you also can find a variety collection @Parfois

Where can I find the best place to buy my girfriend gifts for her birthday?

It depends on what she likes, however you can find nice stuff at @Parfois as well as @Forget Me Not

Where can I find a great gift for one of my friends (female)?

Girls like scarves get her one from @Parfois or @Accessorize you could find another nice things there

Where can I find trendy straw hats for women?

You can generally find some at random retail stores like @Piazza Italia or at accessories stores like @Aldo and @Parfois ;)
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