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#33 Naeb Imran Al Maytah St. Sultan Building - Swefieh



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week
9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Mentioned In...

Where can I get laser hair removal treatments?

@Karmalite is highly recommended by my friends you should go check them out

Where can I find Black Friday deals?

@Karmalite if youre looking for skin care, they have 50% off

Where can I get a spray tan?

@Karmalite one of the best in Jordan, very friendly staff.

Where can I find good laser treatment for acne?

i always go to @Karmalite for my acne scars, they are highly professional

Where can I remove self-harm hypertrophic scars with laser (or other ways that work)?

you can head over to @Karmalite they are experts with such scars, they have a machine for it

Where can I get a scalp examination?

@Karmalite are experts, a bit pricey but they can help and provide you with the price and details

Where can I get the best treatment for stretch marks?

I did my laser treatment for stretch marks on my thighs @Karmalite they used to be expensive, but now they have a 50% off on their services. It's a great place.

Where can I find solarium tanning beds?

@Karmalite are very professional, promise you won't turn out orange!!
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