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#33 Naeb Imran Al Maytah St. Sultan Building - Swefieh



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week
9:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m.

Mentioned In...

Where can I find electrolysis for body hair removal?

do you mean a center or the machine itself? If the center; check out @Dermalife or @Karmalite

Where can I find the best lips filler doctor?

they are really professional, and the price depends on how much do you need. Is it one tube or half, the doctor can tell you what you exactly need @Karmalite

Where can I do a Varicose Veins Treatment?

it's called broken capillaries treatment @Karmalite

Where can I get a mole removed and how much would it cost on average?

@Karmalite the prices depends on the size of the mole, you need to go there and have it checked

Where can I find a place that performs cool sculpting (body contour)?

@Karmalite it costs 180JD for 2 areas, 90JD for one area, and if it's your first time visiting you'll get 30% discount.
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