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237 Fans


3.75 Stars - 7 Votes


Saed Abdo Shamout St. Fashion Level 1, Taj Mall - Abdoun



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week
10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
2:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.

Mentioned In...

Where can I find affordable workwear for women?

You can check out @H&M they have discounts

Where can I find cool socks?

@H&M always has interesting socks

Where can I find flared jeans and pants?

They're in, so you'll probably find them at every other store at the mall. Try looking at @Pimkie, @American Eagle Outfitters, or @H&M

Where can I find simple t shirts?

@Mlabbas and @H&M sells basic shirts

Where can I find wallets for an affordable price?

@H&M usually have nice wallets and their prices for everything not just wallets are generally reasonable.

Where can I buy a sweater?

I got a nice navy blue one @H&M the other day and they also had a white one that was amazing...not to mention wool scarfs and necklaces that would complete any outfit :)

Where can I find good quality winter clothes for a reasonable price?

Well I suggest that you wait until the end of November , the Black Friday where there will be huge sale everywhere. If you want now, you can check @H&M or @Stradivarius
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