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237 Fans


3.75 Stars - 7 Votes


Saed Abdo Shamout St. Fashion Level 1, Taj Mall - Abdoun



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week
10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
2:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.

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Where can I find a shop that sells black plain hoodie?

@H&M have plain black hoodies. They're about 20 Jds.

Where can I buy good quality boyfriend jeans (not legging material)?

@H&M has a lot of different jeans, I'd look there. Or @American Eagle Outfitters, they usually have the trendy jeans

Where can I find good cheap Europan things such as furniture, accessories, clothes and so on?

For furniture, check out @IKEA they are pretty much the same all around the world which is super! If you want to buy clothes and accessories, visit one of the malls @Taj Mall or @City Mall , they have international brands that are European such as @H&M , @Zara , @Bershka and so on which have clothes and accessories!

Where can I buy comfy shoes at a good price?

Check Hamra Street or go to @H&M their footwear isnt too pricey

Where can I find a fully lined pleated maxi skirt?

@H&M pleated wrapover skirt- 45 jd and another long gold pleated skirt for 45-50 jd. They are pricey but the quality & material is excellent.

Where can I buy small spray bottles (not the hairspray ones, the skin spray ones which I can fill with rose water and spray my face)?

You can either order them online from Vogacloset or Shein, or check @H&M and @Forever 21‎ 21 they sometimes sell them
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