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237 Fans


3.75 Stars - 7 Votes


Saed Abdo Shamout St. Fashion Level 1, Taj Mall - Abdoun



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week
10:00 a.m. to 10:00 p.m.
2:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.

Mentioned In...

Where can I buy swimsuits in winter?

Hey! @H&M is one of the spots that always has cute swimsuits...even in winter..and they're usually discounted because of the season!

Where can I find cute swimsuits?

@H&M always has a variety of options when it comes to swimsuits, make sure to go check before the sale starts.

Where can I find outfits similar to the ones from the show "Wednesday"?

I agree, her style is so cool! You can find some options at @H&M for sure !

Where can I find high quality studded belts for men?

You can find them at @H&M or @Hugo Boss @BOSS or @Jack & Jones

Where can I find rubber head bands for sports?

You can also find some in places like @H&M

Where can I get swimsuits, suitcases, The traveling essentials basically?

you can buy the suitcase from @Travel One their cases are with high quality, and as for the swimsuit; from @H&M or @American Eagle Outfitters
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