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40 Fans
Flex Fitness Center

Flex Fitness Center

5 Stars


7th Circle, Next to Jordan Telecom Group Orange



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week
6:00 a.m. to 10:30 p.m.

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Where can I find a cheap gym in madina monawara street, or close by?

@Lava Fitness & Gym @My Gym @Flex Fitness Center these are the closest to Madina Street and Waha circle

Where can I find a gym in Khalda?

I like @Flex Fitness Center ..their monthly fee is good, 50 per month and if you register for 3 months you pay 110 JD only .. they have everything (sauna, Jacuzzi, classes ..etc) and they're all included in the monthly fee.

Where can I find fitness centers (لياقة)?

There are many options in Amman, @Flex Fitness Center @Fitness First Gym @Total Fitness Center @Fitness One and @Fitness One Vega .. if you want crossfit theres @CrossFit QuickSand @Crossfit Crescent both are really good

Where can I find a gym near to University St. with a personal trainer (Not too expensive)?

if you are looking for women's there is @Curves or @Flex Fitness Center in Khalda good prices and its mixed

Where can I find a personal trainer or a gym (that you recommend)?

@Flex Fitness Center or @Dynamic Gym both are great and aren't super expensive
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