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47 Fans
Creative Art Center Amman (CAC)

Creative Art Center Amman (CAC)

4.75 Stars - 10 Votes


King Abdullah II St. Complex #399, Next to Zain HQ - Al Rawabi



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week; Except Friday
2:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Tips Tags

Where can I find a place that gives drawing classes for a 17 year old?

@Creative Art Center Amman (CAC) offers specialized art classes. We have a team of well known and professional artists.

Where can I go to buy Jordanian handicrafts for gifts?

@Creative Art Center Amman (CAC) has a production line where traditional pottery and tiles are made

Where can I find the best art place (oil painting) i know alot of places but cant figure out the best one help?

Go to @Creative Art Center Amman (CAC) they have a huge variety of painting classes, the instructors are really nice and the place is cozy and you'll learn alot

Where can I find a clay making workshop?

@Creative Art Center Amman (CAC) gives classes and they suit all levels, you should definitely check it out

Where can I take advanced drawing classes?

Go to @Creative Art Center Amman (CAC) they have a great drawing teacher and they also teach other skills such as pottery

Where can I find a place that let's me make pots?

You can take a pottery class at @Creative Art Center Amman (CAC) ..i've been there and they're really good

Where can I take drawing/painting courses?

@Creative Art Center Amman (CAC) is a comprehensive art center that offers , pottery, drawing, painting printmaking and photography. They also hold short workshops in Raku, portfolio sessions and mixed media at Aymen Azzam's Art Studio
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