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47 Fans
Creative Art Center Amman (CAC)

Creative Art Center Amman (CAC)

4.75 Stars - 10 Votes


King Abdullah II St. Complex #399, Next to Zain HQ - Al Rawabi



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week; Except Friday
2:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Tips Tags

Where can I try pottery classes?

@Creative Art Center Amman (CAC) they offer Pottery classes, Drawing Classes and more

Where can I take photography lessons?

@Creative Art Center Amman (CAC) they offer Photography classes, Pottery classes, Drawing Classes and more

Where can I join an art class?

@Creative Art Center Amman (CAC) has multiple art classes, Providing Art classes, Drawing Classes , Painting Lessons and Pottery classes

Where can I meet new people?

if you're interested in crafts, book a session with @Creative Art Center Amman (CAC) there you can meet some interesting people

Where can I find good photography classes besides SAE and not online?

@Creative Art Center Amman (CAC) they offer Photography classes, Pottery classes, Drawing Classes and more

Where can I find couples activities?

@Creative Art Center Amman (CAC) perhaps! You can do some pottery together it's very romantic!

Where can I do activities fit for my zodiac sign?

I'm a Virgo! We're super compatible! Water and earth! For a Pieces I think something creative would be fun! @Creative Art Center Amman (CAC) has pottery classes!
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