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47 Fans
Creative Art Center Amman (CAC)

Creative Art Center Amman (CAC)

4.75 Stars - 10 Votes


King Abdullah II St. Complex #399, Next to Zain HQ - Al Rawabi



Operating Hours:

7 Days a Week; Except Friday
2:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m.

Tips Tags

Where can I make custom shaped plant pots?

If you are talking about pottery, check these @Creative Art Center Amman (CAC) and this Facebook page "My Pottery Shop"

Where can I find ceramic or pottery classes for adults?

@Creative Art Center Amman (CAC) offers a wide variety of ceramics and pottery classes for adults

Where can I find a place that gives kids art classes?

I know that @Creative Art Center Amman (CAC) offers classes to kids and adults including drawing, ceramics and painting.

Where can I buy Christmas decorations and ornaments?

I heard @Creative Art Center Amman (CAC) is having a Christmas bazar at the end of this month, the date isnt released yet, watch out for it :)

Where can I find bazaars?

The Christmas Bazaar @Creative Art Center Amman (CAC). There is a selection of handmade works of art, from tree ornaments and angels to mugs and ceramic plates.

Where can I find a christmas market?

@Creative Art Center Amman (CAC) is holding a Christmas Bazaar starting December 1st until the 15th. you should check it out

Where can I take drawing lessons?

@Creative Art Center Amman (CAC) is a great place to learn drawing and theyre open almost all week.. check it out

Where can I find a place that teaches Art for kids?

@Creative Art Center Amman (CAC) offers a unique creative art class for young children, Contact us for more information

Where can I find drawing classes for children?

@Creative Art Center Amman (CAC) offers a unique creative art program for young children. Art Education experts developed this program to allow for creative expression
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