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soos78's Profile

Dining & Nightlife
Sous Chef
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Pool Boy
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soos78's latest tips

Where can I exercise?

Go to the park for a run- free exercise. @Zabeel Park is a great one.

Where can I find someone who knows how to use spss amos program?

I would check on Linkedin and see who has that skill and write to them.

Where can I find chicken dim sum?

@P.F. Chang's China Bistro

Where can I have steak on Sheikh Zayed Road?

Where on Sheikh Zayed Rd.? What area? There is @Rhodes W1 and @The Exchange Grill

Where can I have a good dinner at the Dubai Mall?

If you want something casual @Madeleine Cafe & Boulangerie

Where can I get the best couples massage?

I hear @The Spa is quite a spectacular experience, you can get the Glow Together package and enjoy it in the couples’ suite!

Where can I find a gynecologist?

Go to @German Clinic they are really nice and professional.

Where can I go to crossfit classes for ladies only?

@Inner Fight Dubai had ladies only classes last year , a friend of mine went but check to make sure they still do.

Where can I find a books or reading cafe like books@cafe or Turtle Green in Amman?

@MAKE Business Hub it's really low key and they have separate areas for the dining, social guests and those that want to do some work or read. You could plug in too, so it serves many people.

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