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shiningmorning's Profile

Dining & Nightlife

shiningmorning's latest tips

Where can I find nice events to go to?

go register for internations.org for good events

Where can I find the best translation websites to earn money by translating as a freelancer?

this is one of the best hiring global website for translation jobs http://www.onehourtranslation.com/affiliate/ilikeit/

Where can I find yoga for beginners?

go to this group https://www.facebook.com/groups/407638262684590/

Where can I buy a bathing suits?

I advice you to go to http://www.rebelsmarket.com/

Where can I trade old books with new ones?

what type of books you are talking about

Where can I buy papaya?

@Virgin Megastore

Where can I find a good nursery in Jubeiha or any nearby areas with a bus?

if u need agricultural engineer for garden design contact me

Where can I buy Aloe Vera leaves?

why not simply planting it in your garden

Where can I find a place to practice French?

interested in french language ( pratique) by meeting others yes

Where can I find a calander of events?

jordansun.org is the best for event calendar

Where can I find a running club for serious runners?

if u join www.internations.org you will find an activity group like this

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