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Home & Garden

rashabader's latest tips

Where can I buy sport supplies?

@Sport Land @Adidas@Champions so many options

Where can I buy a guitar for a very reasonable price?

@talal im not sure how to contact you but yes im very interested in buying an acoustic guitar now.

Where can I find a gym with a P90X workout program?

You can download p90x from the internet and exercise in the privacy of your home

Where can I find moving cardboard boxes?

Any store or supermarket would give you boxes in a very cheap price or even for free

Where can I buy a PlayStation 4?

@Virgin Megastore in City mall it's 800 dinars approximately but in america it's only 400 dollars . You can buy it online or let anyone in america buy it for you and ship it.

Where can I buy original PS4 video games?

Buy them online they are much cheaper !

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