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hyi's latest tips

Where can I take TOEFL?

Go to https://www.ets.org › toefl › ibt you will save money and will be able to choose appointments to your needs.

Where can I buy tropical/exotic fruits?

Go to Thailand & buy it personally from there; ironic but truly. 21 jds for 1kg Rambutan, 1 jd per piece passion fruit @Cozmo

Where can I go for all you can eat sushi (include price if you know)?

The only good sushi I ever tried in amman is at @Yoshi but it's overpriced for sure

Where can I find a nursing cat! my friend's kittens are dying, PLEASE!?

how old r they? if older than a couple of weeks you can provide them with any milk through a needle tube or dropping & they should make it

Where can I eat the best beef stroganoff?

check rick stein's beef stroganoff recipe on youtube he is a famous chef i learned it from him and its delicious

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