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coolkidzx's latest tips

Where can I watch World Cup 2022?

If you wanna watch it at a cafe @Doors Cafe would be a good call

Where can I find a good Honey & Cream Pie?

The ones from @Dokkan Manqoush are suuuuper good! checkout their other stuff here too: https://bitesnbags.com/place/dokkan-manqoush/category/1339-Desserts

Where can I find a hot spa for a good price?

Check out the @Ocean website here, their prices are also really good https://bitesnbags.com/place/rrp1q4ykib-oceanforwatertreatmentswimmingpoolsco/category/1295-Hot-Spa

Where can I find a cafe with campfire?

@Seven Pennies has a small campfire in the outside smoker's area!

Where can I find hello kitty/sanrio products?

i know that @Miniso most definitely has hello kitty merch!

Where can I find a laundry basket with wheels?

You can find some cheap and sturdy ones in @Carrefour

Where can I find house decoration?

You can find some great grabs at this cool antique shops in @Atique Antique Shop

Where can I buy a louis Vuitton copy?

You will find some in one of the many stores in @Downtown

Where can I find a phone number + app for City bus?

You can use an app like TrueCaller to find a number!

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