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Zeid S. Bushnaq's latest tips

Where can I get xbox live 3/12 moth for low cost and how much the cost?
@MOG Underground sells xbox live subscriptions

Where can I find a center for dyslexia and other learning issues in Amman?
check out @TRS Learning Center http://on.fb.me/13OJKAt

Where can I train football in anyplace other than the orthodox club?
you can check out @Al Ahli Club Jordan or @Royal Automobile Club

Where can I buy a hare (rabbits and bunnies are okay) for a reasonable price?
Check out @Birds Land, they usually sell rabbits and fish and house pets.

Where can I find rainbow colored flags or kites?
I think you'll find some at @Nemer Uniform in Mecca street

Where can I find the scholl outlet for shoes?
Have you tried @Scholl Foot Care Center in Gardens street?

Where can I find the best private school for "TAWJIHI"?
Hey, you can try @Amman Academy or @Amman National School