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Zeena Gk's latest tips

Where can I find diesel jeans?

@Levis Taj mall - definitely!

Where can I get coconut butter?

@Cozmo - you'll definitely find it there!

Where can I find a place that creates posters that i have the design for?

@Archi Arts Community Copy Center - a bit pricey but the quality is always good, they're also quick and very understanding.

Where can I eat meat shawerma?

@Ghazal shawerma - delicious!

Where can I buy proper thermal mugs?

@Starbucks Coffee - coolest collection, and they're very durable!

Where can I go to the best place to play guitar hero?

@Station - Deir ghbar you get your own private room, so chilled and awesome! moreover, you can order some chilli house since it's in the same building, and eat while you play. you also get one free hour for every hour you spend there, but that's only a seasonal offer so it won't last forever!

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