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Yousif Jawhar's latest tips

Where can I take parkour classes?

Check out X-Gravity, they're a parkour team in Jordan that hangout in @Dahyet Al-Hussein Park | حديقة ضاحية الحسين i think they can teach you.

Where can I buy new Macbook Air 13"?

Check out @MarkaVip www.markavip.com they're selling several types of macbooks but not sure they're selling any 13 inch Airs.

Where can I rent a Rokinon 8mm fisheye lens for a Canon DSLR?

@Darat Al Tasweer or you can check with some facebook pages, just look for jordan photography market & a few will pop-up.

Where can I eat the best maki sushi?

I think that the best sushi-serving places in Amman are the ones owned by ATICO, such as @Fakhr El-Din . There's also @Sake Sushi in baraka mall that serves really good sushi.

Where can I find belly rings jewelry?

@Karakeeb , Sweifieh. There are several shops around Karakeeb in which you might be able to find different types of piercings.

Where can I find a training center that provides Linux training?

Check with Jordan Open Source Association http://goo.gl/xcr8c

Where can I buy a vintage camera (canon ae-1)?

Really sorry for the late reply. It's in downtown right across from the fish market.

Where can I buy a vintage camera (canon ae-1)?

There's a place in balad Called Al-Farouq, they probably have it.

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