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Yousef q's latest tips

Where can I find a good handmade furniture store?

I dont know anyone but maybe you could find someone to design them and then send them to good carpenter .

Where can I find a caricaturist/cartoonist (رسام الكاريكاتير)?

check my behance portfolio i can draw caricature http://goo.gl/4VzKoj

Where can I get the best car service and maintenance for my BMW?

I have a friend in Albayader , he do maintenance for German and Spanish cars mainly , (he has certificate in mechanical engineering and 10 years experience) he treat the cars nicely without leaving dirt inside and stuff, his name Hamido Ghatasha , this is his # 0795 992313

Where can I find rendering markers?

you can find them mostly in any big stationary

Where can I buy DSLR camera accessories?

@fady shaaban this is his profile on fb https://www.facebook.com/fady.shaaban.1?fref=ts

Where can I make a picture in mosaic?

you can make it using photoshop

Where can I buy an x-plane?

I advice you to buy it from x plane website

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