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TarEq S. Al-Khateeb's Profile

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TarEq S. Al-Khateeb's latest tips

Where can I eat gluten free pizza?

Never been there but a lot of people suggested @Luigi's Pizza in abdoun, u can find gluten-free flour and material from @Cozmo in their @Beat tha Wheat section and make a homemade pizza like I do,

Where can I find event happenings?

Britta Arnold in @CLSTR Jan 10 at 9:00

Where can I find nightclubs or bars in irbid?

Irbid doesn't have any nightclubs and you'll only find bars in hotels.

Where can I know what the best electric car to buy is?

I recommend The E-Golf from @Volkswagen Jordan or @Nuqul Automotive. Nuqul have the BMW i3 too.

Where can I find a job as an 18 y.o girl?

Check @Extensya in al madina almunawra st. & @CrysTelCall in abdali

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