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Tanya N's latest tips

Where can I match my cravings with a fun app?
check out this article to learn more about it: https://blog.tipntag.com/ammans-hidden-secret-where-tinder-meets-food-%f0%9f%94%a5/

Where can I match my cravings with a fun app?
Discover delicious bites around Amman with a simple swipe!
Download biteME. https://bitemeapp.page.link/download

Where can I find gluten free restaurants?
@Ketolicious has everything gluten free. You can also check out this blog post about healthy food spots in town that include gluten free options: https://blog.tipntag.com/the-weekender-healthy-food-hotspots/

Where can I buy fake skin to practice sutures and for how much?
you can order on amazon online here's the link - https://shorturl.at/AQV09

Where can I find fun activities to do?
check out this blog called the Daydreamer they post weekly activities & events. Here is the link of this week's daydreamer https://blog.tipntag.com/the-daydreamer-%e2%98%80%ef%b8%8f-august-2023-week-1-2/