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Shahad-'s Profile

Fashion & Beauty
Arts & Crafts

Shahad-'s latest tips

Where can I find sleeping masks?

@Miniso and/or Mumuso constantly have them in in store

Where can I find olivia burton watches other than time center?

There's a @Time Center outlet in Mecca Mall, same floor as Starbucks. They have an up to 60% discount on all brands including Olivia Burton

Where can I buy or rent cheap cushions?

I need a good amount for an event

Where can I find accessories to make keychain in Balad downtown?

I know they're most avaliable in Balad, but where exactly?

Where can I find plastic containers?

@MARKAcorners they have a good selection and very good prices, I was there a couple of days ago, look them up on Facebook

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