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Senna's Profile

Dining & Nightlife
Karaoke Star
Tech & Gaming
Arcade Junkie

Senna's latest tips

Where can I find the best bagels?

@Bagel O's is actually suuuuuper delicious, go there and you def won't be disappointed!

Where can I find the best bagels?

@Bagel O's is actually suuuuuper delicious, go there and you def won't be disappointed!

Where can I drink cozy holiday beverages like mulled wine and hot cocoa?

The Christmas Market @Amman Marriott Hotel will have exactly what you're looking for and a lot of xmas related goodies to choose from.

Where can I find a great Christmas party?

There's a Christmas Party at @Le Meridien Amman Hotel with Joseph Atteih & Majd Ayoub

Where can I buy a walkie talkie?

you can find them @Toys Land the prices vary, and they are for kids ages from 4 to 8 years.. if you're looking for more options just order them online

Where can I find an online job, yeah I need a job lol?

what do you mean online, I can help you if you are looking for jobs in IT, or you mean you can only freelance from home?

Where can I get a crossbow?

You can buy a toy crossbow from @Hamleys

Where can I find trustworthy gold stores?

You mean jewellery stores? @Barakat jewelry is the place i always recommend!

Where can I find nice cafes in Dabouq?

@VIVID Lounge its one of my favourite places

Where can I find a nice soft toys for babies?

@Toys Land or @Al Mikhi For Toys you'll find toys for toddlers and babies like teddy bears, stuffed animals.

Where can I find high top Converse & low top Converse, and how much do they cost?

@Converse check prices on their site: http://www.converse.com/uk/en/products/converse/all-sneakers?prefn1=gender&sz=48&start=0&prefv1=Women

Where can I learn how to swim?

@Ward w Hareer they have personal trainers and a big pool

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