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Rynata's Profile

Health & Childcare
My Body is My Temple
Shower Singer

Rynata's latest tips

Where can I find a place with a nice view?

@Cloud International Cuisine or @Living Room Loft beautiful view and good food!

Where can I find a cheap gym near Jabal Al Weibdeh or Jabal Amman?

@Power Hut I think is somewhere near Al Dakhliyeh Circle which is close to Lweibdeh, really well equipped

Where can I find the best tanning products like hawaiian tropical or lancaster?

Honestly, the best thing is to just put vasline on your body (the coco butter one) before you go swimming and a bit of sunblock on your shoulders and most sensitive areas. Honestly the best way to get a tan that lasts a really long time and leaves your body moisturized

Where can I find Acer Chromebook Tab 10?

Check @DNA Lifestyle , I visited them a few weeks ago and they had acer tabs

Where can I find the best swimming pools?

@The Deck Lounge is really cool. Pool at day time and Lounge night time!

Where can I buy a beautiful evening gown for my friend's wedding?

@Biba Boutique have some cocktail dresses and evening dresses. Very classy

Where can I find a good and reasonable price to go to a swimming pool?

Check out @Amman Airport Hotel they have a pool, entrance is 15 weekdays as I remember not sure about weekends

Where can I go on a date for less than 20 JDs?

Go play @Jordan Mini Golf it is for 5 JDs per person, could be fun

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